When Talking About Race Or Ethnicity, Try To Listen
When talking about race, try to listen. I have noticed that people, friends or acquaintances, and regardless of race or ethnicity, have a hard time listening. Rather than let me finish, they are too quick to share their view and to disagree. It is a good idea to let the other person finish their statement and then ask them a question. It proves that one is really listening. For whatever reason it's as if we don't want to hear the experience of the other person. That is not what friends are supposed to do and it's not a good way to communicate with anyone. Learn to let the other person finish and then ask a question based on what that person said.
A Zennie62 on YouTubevideo-blog post for Chicago Focus, via IFTTT
A Zennie62 on YouTubevideo-blog post for Chicago Focus, via IFTTT
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